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Boston Needs you--Here’s How You Can Help

"People visit Boston for the history preserved and enlivened by its institutions, for the city’s wealth of art and music, but just as much for its vibrant, urbane neighborhoods and streets. One relies on the other [...] It’s a complex ecosystem, often driven by culture,” wrote the Boston Globe on April 18th, 2020. We at the Alliance couldn’t agree more! 

As the days of isolation expand into months, people long to return to their city and to some level of normalcy. At the Boston Preservation Alliance, we are finding that Bostonians recognize--now, more than ever--the emotional connectedness and energy that the city brings to its people. No, we aren't on the front lines, and recognize that the top level of importance is for those working to fight this public health crisis. Yet, we can't help but notice that the mutually dependant spheres of people and place are accentuated when the link between them is broken. Our work as preservationists is more important than ever as our historic buildings, businesses, parks, monuments, and neighborhoods represent a much-needed sense of continuity and community. It is this dynamic intersection that continues to drive our work at the Alliance because it is to these places that we all so long to return.

There’s a lot we don’t know about the future of this pandemic, but, what we know for certain is that Boston needs you--to participate; to support; to reaffirm that people and place matter.

Here are some ways you can help us, help Boston:

  • Renew your membership to the Boston Preservation Alliance early: $60 regularly  and $40 for young professionals
  • Support Boston's Legacy Businesses
  • Start a Peer-2-Peer fundraising campaign for the Alliance
  • Participate and share our virtual programming with your friends
  • Sign-up to receive our E-news and Blog updates
  • Follow us on Twitter, Insta, and Facebook
  • Watch our new online interview series, Tidbits of Preservation
  • Tell us about your favorite places in Boston using the hashtag #PreservationHub, #SaveMyBoston, #SeeMyBoston
  • Join our awesome group of Young Advisors (for ages 40 and under)
  • And most of all, donate. Please consider donating to the Alliance to help us preserve our great city--a modest one-time gift of $20 or more would have a positive impact on our work.

Thank you for your consideration and support; we wish you the best of health and extend our heartfelt appreciation to all of those who are working tirelessly on the front lines of this epidemic--while you save us, we’ll save your city!

Check out our exhibition with the Old North Church and Historic Site!

ABOUT Preservation Month | 2020

For over 40 years the Boston Preservation Alliance has served the residents of Boston as a nonprofit organization that protects and improves the quality of Boston's architectural and cultural heritage. Through advocacy and education, we bring people and organizations together to influence the future of Boston's historic buildings, landscapes, and communities.

Without our members, donors, and community partners, the voice of the Alliance would fall silent–a growing membership makes our voice stronger because together we make Boston better

Check out the projects we're currently engaged in and thank you for your continued consideration and support. 

Name Date Amount Comments
Ava Grimason 05/25/2020 $26.06  
Frederick Ames 05/22/2020 $51.80 Keep up the good work, Greg
Frederick Ames 05/22/2020 $51.80 Keep up the good work, Greg
Julie Mueller 05/20/2020 $15.76 Keep Boston history strong!
  Total $145.42